
ZQuiet vs VitalSleep: Which One Will Stop Your Snoring?

Snoring produces an embarrassing and disruptive sound when we’re supposed to be quiet so everyone can enjoy restful sleep. It’s no surprise that most would prefer to avoid the topic. If you’re like me, you’ve probably seen or heard advertisements for various anti-snoring products. We decided to take some of the most popular ones on the market for a spin to see if they actually work and report back to help you decide if any could offer a viable solution to your snoring.

While I don’t snore, my sleep partner suffers with obstructive sleep apnea. Today, we’re going to analyze ZQuiet vs. VitalSleep. We found both to be a good fit for people with smaller jaws or female snorers. Many anti-snoring mouthpieces are pretty large, so a smaller size is often just what women need. I don’t want to scare off the guys, though! ZQuiet and VitalSleep do offer versions for you too, and they both make accommodations for mouth breathing.

Before we go any further, I want to point out that we aren’t doctors, but we have spent quite a bit of time dealing with snoring. Having tried both of these products, we have some helpful information that can assist you in more effectively weighing your options. With that being said, let’s compare ZQuiet and VitalSleep to determine which would be best for you.

What are Mandibular Advancement Devices?

Both of these products are mandibular advancement devices. This means they are designed to push the lower jaw (mandible) forward, or advance them, hence the name. The reason for this adaptation is to prevent the soft tissue and tongue from relaxing backward when sleep sets in and blocking the airway.

ZQuiet vs VitalSleep Customization

Since the inception of anti-snoring devices you can acquire without a prescription, many people have wondered how you find a one that will fit correctly. Just think about the many considerations that have to be made when fitting for a CPAP machine. You often need a doctor’s assistance in getting it right. This is because everyone has a unique mouth shape.

While some anti-snoring devices do attempt a one-size-fits-all approach, both ZQuiet and VitalSleep see the advantages of offering a degree of customization.

The Two Device Approach

For ZQuiet, this comes in the form of offering you two devices, one larger than the other. The bottom of each device has a number inscribed. Comfort setting one should be used for the first three nights to allow for adjustment. If you still snore, advance on to comfort level two. This device advances the lower jaw further to reduce relaxation that causes the tongue and soft tissue to block the airway.

I was able to fit the comfort level one device in my mouth whereas many other products make it almost impossible to keep it closed. Ideally, you want to be able to have your mouth shut while using MADs. For my sleep partner, level two was more successful both in fitting and cutting out his snoring.

The Boil-and-Bite Approach

VitalSleep takes a different yet popular approach in the boil and bite method. This is a process in which you heat up the device in boiling water and then bite down on the softened material to create a unique dental impression.

We found the boil and bite method to offer a higher degree of customization, and my sleep partner had a much easier time getting the VitalSleep mouthpiece to stay in place through the night.

Which is More Comfortable?

In terms of comfort, it’s going to depend largely on the size of your jaw. As mentioned, I have a smaller jaw, and the VitalSleep device was a little big for me. However, the product we tried was the male version. There is a female version also available, which we didn’t order, so I have no way of knowing how it would have fit.

My sleep partner found that even comfort level two offered by ZQuiet was small for his mouth. This caused it to easily fall out and also promoted drooling.

We both found VitalSleep to cause an increase in jaw soreness for the first few nights of use, but this is totally normal for mandibular advancement devices. For me, this pain lasted longer, but, again, I was using the male version.

Lower Jaw Adjustment with VitalSleep

VitalSleep offers the ability to make adjustments to the lower mandible, and we found this to be an excellent ability as my sleep partner was able to make slight adjustments until he found the setting that best matched his comfort needs while putting a stop to his snoring.


To help you get accustomed to having the device in your mouth, it helps to start using it without any lower advancement at all for the first couple of nights. I think this is comparable to using the comfort level one setting on ZQuiet in the beginning, so I liked that both products allow for a smooth transition.

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So… Do They Stop Snoring?

When measuring comfort and effectiveness, both products were able to stop my sleep partner’s snoring, but ZQuiet was prone to falling out. He found VitalSleep to be a little less comfortable during the first several days of use, but it was more consistent in stopping snoring since it didn’t fall out.

Tip for Higher Effectiveness

If you think you’d prefer the lower level of jaw soreness offered by ZQuiet but think you may struggle with the device falling out, I would suggest considering supplementing your purchase with an anti-snoring chin strap like My Snoring Solution.

On its own, it works to keep the tongue from falling backward into the airway. However, when combined with an MAD, it can increase effectiveness as well as keep your mouth closed to help keep the device in place.

Best Option for Mouth Breathing

The use of a chinstrap can be a great supplement in the case of ZQuiet, but some people rely on mouth breathing. Conditions like allergies, nasal polyps or sinusitis are just a few examples of cases where mouth breathing is necessary. Both products make considerations:

  • VitalSleep offers a very large and accommodating air hole in front.
  • ZQuiet offers the use of Living Hinge Technology that allows free range of mouth movement.

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I think ZQuiet can be an excellent solution if you rely heavily on mouth breathing while you sleep. VitalSleep also uses hinge technology, but it’s limited to 25 degrees of movement.

Easy Maintenance for Each Product

Cleaning for each product is really simple. You can use toothpaste and your toothbrush after every use. Make sure you get them completely dry. We found ZQuiet’s smoother design to be easier to clean and dry, so if you’re really concerned with quick and simple maintenance, this might be important to you. Each device offers a convenient carrying case, and it’s a good idea to store them there when not in use.

Durability & Cost: What’s the Best Value?

It’s pretty clear that ZQuiet and VitalSleep are close contenders, each featuring their own unique pros and cons. So, let’s take a quick look at what you can expect with durability compared with price.

  • ZQuiet is expected to last around 15 months, and this is on the higher end of the durability expectation for an MAD.
  • It costs $9.95 upfront. If you decide you want to keep it after 35 days, you’ll be charged an additional $79.95. (You pay $89.90 if you decide to keep it. If not, you’re out the $9.95).
  • VitalSleep can be purchased for $59.95 for one product.
  • You can order two for $99.95.
  • Durability is around 12 months, but you get a 60-day trial period along with a generous full year of free replacements.
  • Although ZQuiet is a little less expensive for two products with a slightly longer durability expectation, VitalSleep offers you more security in their trial and replacement periods. Furthermore, you aren’t out anything if you do decide to return the product after your trial.

If you’re highly dependent on mouth breathing or have a very small jaw, ZQuiet may be the better option. However, from an overall value perspective, I think VitalSleep has the better offer.

ZQuiet vs VitalSleep: Our Final Verdict

Both ZQuiet and VitalSleep were successful in stopping snoring for my sleep partner, and they each feature BPA-free materials for those of you who suffer with allergies.

If you’re a chronic snorer like my sleep partner, I think you may find the higher degree of customization availability offered by VitalSleep to be fitting for your needs. Its Accu Adjust System allows you to move the lower half of the device forward and backward using a hex key, and it’s combined with hinge technology to allow you 25 degrees of mouth movement.

While ZQuiet’s second comfort level does offer more lower jaw advancement, it’s pretty slight, and you can’t make any personalized adjustments. I really liked that each product makes considerations for lady snorers. Although most snorers are men, women snore too, and both products offer a solution.

VitalSleep Can be Used with Dentures!

Each is FDA-approved and easy to clean. If you wear dentures, you’ve probably already found that many MADs restrict use, and this is true of ZQuiet. However, VitalSleep does say you can use their product. I’d check with your dentist before purchasing, but this could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

From our experience, the most notable thing I’ve learned is that there isn’t one product that will work well for everyone. I’d say for those with very small jaws and/or who need to breathe through their mouth, ZQuiet would be a good place to start. VitalSleep is more appropriate for those who appreciate that higher degree of customization, and I think their trial and replacement offer is superior.

In the end, it’s all about your unique needs and preferences, and I hope we’ve helped steer you in the right direction. Still not sure which to pick? We’d be glad to hear from you! Feel free to leave us a question or comment in the space below. We’ll get back to you promptly with personalized advice.

ZQuiet vs VitalSleep Comparison Table

ZQuiet VitalSleep
Falls out easily if you have a large jaw Higher degree of customization with Accu Adjust System
No certifications Hinge technology incorporated, but only allows
for 25 degrees of movement
Good choice for female snorers Offers versions for men and women
Longer durability expectation of around 15 months Longer trial at 60 days
Two devices provided, one larger than the other, for customization Mouth breathing through large hole at front of device
30-day trial period, but you don’t get your initial $9.95 payment back Slightly more expensive
Allows mouth breathing through Living Hinge Technology that allows you to open and close your mouth freely One year of free replacements
No lower mandibular advancement customization Durability expectations slightly lower at around
12 months
Can be cleaned with toothpaste Can be cleaned with toothpaste
Can’t be used with dentures Can be used with dentures
FDA-approved FDA-approved


Quick Compare

Overall Functionality
Professional or Home Fit
Not Applicable
Airhole is included
Soothing and antiseptic properties
Health Regulator Approvals
BPA Free
Is it easy to keep clean?
Yes, just use toothpaste and toothbrush
Are there different sizes available?
Overall Functionality
Professional or Home Fit
Airhole is included
Soothing and antiseptic properties
Health Regulator Approvals
BPA Free
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