
My Snoring Solution vs. CPAP: Understanding the Differences

Did you know approximately 40% of men and 24% of women are chronic snorers? That’s a large number of people. If you or your sleep partner are one of them, there’s no need to be shy! In fact, talking about it and seeking out a viable solution is the first step toward the prevention of a number of harmful side effects.

My sleep partner suffers from obstructive sleep apnea, so today we’re excited to explain the differences between My Snoring Solution vs. CPAP. Unlike many mouthpieces that aren’t able to be used for this particular condition, both of these products have proven beneficial. In fact, CPAP is the most common method of correcting moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Remember, we aren’t doctors, and we definitely suggest you consult with yours before you make your final decision. We do, however, have experience in using these and many other anti-snoring devices on the market, so keep reading to hear how they worked out for us.

CPAP Machines vs. Anti Snoring Chinstraps: The Main Similarities and Differences

Both the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine and anti-snoring chinstraps have one main thing in common: both strive to put a stop to snoring. It’s the manner in which they achieve this that makes the difference:


Provide continuous air pressure that keeps the airway open throughout the night


Cradles the chin and keeps the jaw in place to prevent the tongue and soft tissue from falling back into the throat.

The CPAP machine takes a more aggressive approach in stopping snoring, and, according to the National Institutes of Health, it’s the preferred method for stopping obstructive sleep apnea.

High Rejection Rate Amongst CPAP Users

Considering its high level of effectiveness in stopping snoring, it may come as a surprise that only around 30-60 percent of CPAP users use the device regularly. In our experience, we quickly understood why.

The main issue my sleep partner had was the fact that the machine prevents your mobility and stomach sleeping. You’re essentially on a leash through the night, so you have to lie on your back and remain still. If you’re like my sleep partner, this is no easy task. Other issues he experienced include:

  • Facial breakouts from irritation caused by the mask
  • Feeling of claustrophobia while using
  • Feeling gassy the next day due to air entering the esophagus rather than airway

My Snoring Solution Offered Solution to Our CPAP Issues

Where the CPAP machine failed my sleep partner, My Snoring Solution had the answers. It was very easy to use and comfortable, and my sleep partner was free to move around through the night. From the point-of-view of the sleep partner, there was no noisy machine I had to listen to, and snoring was significantly reduced.

The Creator’s Struggle with CPAP

The creator of My Snoring Solution had struggles of his own with the CPAP machine. For him, the waiting period was too long as his family was becoming seriously disturbed by his “chainsaw-like snoring”.

Stephen Matthews was facing serious medical risks associated with his snoring as well. Rather than waiting, he jumped into action and created a prototype using towel strips to develop a very primitive version of an anti-snoring chin strap. It was his logic that, if he could just keep his mouth closed, his snoring would stop. In his case, it did.

A Few Chinstrap Drawbacks

While the chinstrap worked wonders for its creator and many others, it’s probably not going to be the most effective option if you snore even when your mouth remains closed. If this is the case for you and you want to explore options other than the CPAP machine, I’d encourage you to check out an anti-snoring mouthpiece like SnoreRX.

If you find you snore when your mouth is open, My Snoring Solution is an inexpensive and effective option well worth considering. However, if you suffer with a condition like deviated septum or nasal polyps, you’re not going to be able to use this product since it prevents the mouth breathing you rely on.

My Snoring Solution vs. CPAP Overall Effectiveness

Comfort aside, let’s take a look at overall effectiveness in stopping snoring. In this respect, the CPAP machine wins hands down. It proved highly effective and consistent at ceasing my sleep partner’s snoring.

While My Snoring Solution did decrease his snoring, there were still a few slight rumblings throughout the night. I think the chinstrap could be a better option for someone who suffers with moderate snoring in terms of consistency.

Which Product is Offers the Most Comfort

Snoring disrupts sleep, and this can leave you feeling groggy the next day. However, when you aren’t comfortable, this can put a damper on your ability to fall and stay asleep, so let’s talk about the comfort of these two products.

• My Snoring Solution

This product was very comfortable. Unlike mouthpieces, you don’t experience significant jaw soreness during the first several uses, and the product easily fits onto any sized head. The material is really soft, and there was no harsh chemical smell like other products we’ve tried out. It does fit rather snugly to keep the product from slipping out of place, and this may cause some creases on your skin when you take it off the next day.

I’d suggest waking up about at least thirty minutes before you need to be anywhere to allow these to fade. I tried this product out for myself even though I don’t snore, and, although minimal, there was very slight jaw soreness for the first two nights. However, it was nothing compared to what we experienced with mouthpieces.


The CPAP machine wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable in itself, but it caused discomfort in other ways. Most notably, it prevents you from moving much to find the most comfortable sleeping position. If you suffer with allergies, you very well may notice irritation. The skin and dry mouth caused by the device was also quite notable.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Proper care for your anti-snoring product is essential as this helps make it last as long as possible. If you’re the type who isn’t likely to spend much time in product cleaning and maintenance, the CPAP machine probably isn’t going to work well for you. This is because it requires intricate and detailed cleaning to prevent bacterial buildup. Not to worry, though. There are automatic CPAP cleaners available if you have the budget.

Maintaining My Snoring Solution is a cinch. Since it’s machine-washable, all you have to do is throw it in with a load of laundry. I like that it doesn’t use Velcro like other chinstraps we’ve tried out as this helps improve durability.

My Snoring Solution American Medical Review Findings

If you choose My Snoring Solution, it’ll come with a pamphlet and DVD that reveals the findings of the American Medical Review. Together with CBS’s Morley Safer, they took a close look at this product and found it to improve or eliminate:

  • Snoring
  • Limb jerking, punching, and kicking while sleeping
  • Waking up tired and thirsty
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems and difficulty concentrating
  • Heartburn and acid reflux
  • Waking up to urinate through the night
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Low motivation
  • Loss of motor skills

My Snoring Solution vs. CPAP: Best Bang for Your Buck

We’ve taken a pretty close look at effectiveness and comfort, so let’s move on to two other important buying points: price and durability.

When you look strictly at price, CPAP may scare you off. This is because they run, on average, around $850. Of course, there are products that cost much less, and your insurance may cover the cost of PAP and BiLevel devices. My Snoring Solution is much lower in cost at just $119.97 for two devices.

To appropriately analyze these costs, it’s critical to consider how long they should last. Most CPAP machines last seven to eight years while each of your chin straps can withstand around six months of daily use. Since you get two, your purchase should last you around one year.

$850 / 90 months = $9.44 per month

My Snoring Solution
$119.97 / 12 months = $10 per month

As you can see, the cost to durability ratio of these two products is very close. Therefore, you’re going to need to consider other factors as you make your final decision.

My Snoring Solution vs CPAP Comparison Table

My Snoring Solution CPAP
Comfortable Can provide higher quality of sleep and can reduce or eliminate snoring in
Don’t have to wear anything in your mouth those with obstructive sleep apnea
Low off-gassing Can lower blood pressure
Keeps mouth closed for those who snore when their mouth is open Improves cardiovascular function
Machine-washable Decreases hypertension
Minimal soreness as you adjust to the product Not very comfortable
Product is clinically-tested Can cause skin irritation
Product stays in place Known to cause dry mouth
Works well in conjunction with MADs to keep them from falling out of the mouth Air can enter the stomach and cause gastric inflation, leaving the snorer feeling bloated and gassy
Prevents drooling Use prevents stomach sleeping
Seems to work well for people who don’t have success with MADs Machine, while not very loud, can be disruptive for light sleepers
90-day money-back guarantee plenty of time to see if it will work Uncomfortable for those with allergies
Three size options help customize Difficulty in cleaning
Hard for those who rely on mouth breathing to do so
Doesn’t completely stop snoring if you don’t struggle primarily with snoring with your mouth open
Pricier than other options
Some complaints of tightness causing headache
Not always effective if you naturally sleep with mouth closed and still snore
Not cleared by the FDA

Our Final Verdict

If you suffer with a severe form of obstructive sleep apnea, the CPAP machine is going to offer you the most effective solution. However, it could interfere with your sleep in terms of the discomfort these machines are notorious for. If you have the budget and/or your insurance is going to help, I’d look for a CPAP machine that offers a trial period to ensure you’re happy with the product before you commit.

If you’re on the fence and don’t rely on mouth breathing, I’d suggest starting off with My Snoring Solution. The company offers a 90 day trial period, so, if you find it’s just not going to work for your degree of snoring, there’s no risk. Three months is more than enough time to figure out if it’s going to work.

I hope we’ve helped steer you in the right direction. If you have questions or want to leave a comment, we’d love to hear from you. Fill out the form below, and we’ll get back with you as soon as possible.