
How to Fall Asleep on VyVanse

Rest is a requirement for your body to recharge both mentally and physically. This is important for adults and children alike to avoid harm to your body. Unfortunately, studies show that most people don’t get the sleep they deserve for their bodies to function properly, and when sleep deprivation continues to add up, it can cause some serious health issues over time. This can be especially detrimental to young, developing children.

If your child struggles with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHA) your doctor may prescribe certain drugs, such as VyVanse to help with this disorder, but it may cause insomnia as well. If your child struggles to sleep, and you are questioning how to fall asleep on VyVanse, this article is for you. Take a look at some of the following tips that can help with this issue explored below.

Sleep Is Important

Sleep is vital to your overall health and when it is lacking in children can create very serious issues over time. As your body cycles through the stages of sleep it is actually repairing and restoring physiological connections, storing memory, and healing. It supports not only physical performance, but focus, social and emotional reactions, metabolism, and the immune system. Developing brains and bodies are even more susceptible to interruptions to these processes and can inhibit physical and mental milestones.

How VyVanse is Used

Vyvanse pills

VyVanse helps control the nerves that contribute to impulsive behaviors and hyperactivity. It stimulates the central nervous system and was specifically formulated to help with concentration and focus. It can be used in children as young as 6 years old. Adults may also be prescribed to help control impulse decision processes, and is commonly used with severe binge eating disorders.

How VyVanse Affects Sleep

Although severe side effects, such as uncontrollable body movements or vocal outbursts are incredibly rare and uncommon, dry mouth and insomnia is often seen in those who have been prescribed the drug. Insomnia is a concern when it occurs on a regular basis as it is detrimental to the sleep cycle. As explained above this is very problematic with young children.


How to Fall Asleep on VyVanse

The stimulation of both mind and body are key to the success of VyVanse, but this is exactly what may create problems with sleep. Insomnia is marked by a racing mind, inability to fall asleep, or waking through the night. It is very damaging to the sleep cycle and if it is being caused by a prescriptive drug, you may want to first try a few tips to instill an easy to follow nighttime routine before asking your doctor to stop taking the drug.

1. Create a Routine

When you create a routine around a specific bedtime and rising time your body begins to recognize this and ready itself for sleep. This taps into a natural circadian rhythm which is what helps regulate day to day body functions.

2. Practice Meditation or Yoga

Meditation and yoga are both ways to help control breathing and concentration. It allows you to release tensions and can be easily introduced to young children by practicing for 5 to 10 minutes at a time.

3. Avoid Alcohol, Sugar, and Caffeine

coffee and sweets

Alcohol, sugar, and caffeine can further stimulate your system and can cause insomnia all on its own.

4. Avoid Screens

Phone, tablet, and even television screens radiate blue light which mimics sunlight. This can offset you mind into thinking it is still day, and consequently keep you awake. Keep them turned off 1 to 2 hours prior to bedtime.

5. Have a Regular Exercise Routine

Physical activity helps burn off excess energy and influences a more restful sleep. A regular exercise routine allows people of all ages to sleep better.

6. Use Transitional Objects

Transitional objects, such as a stuffed animal or soft blanket are especially helpful for young children as it provides comfort as well as a sense of recognition to bedtime.

7. Take a Warm Bath or Shower

A warm bath or shower right before bed allows you to relax and also stimulates a change in core body temperature. When you sleep your body drops in temperature and this can help speed up the process.

8. Diffuse Essential Oils

There are essential oils that help influence a calming sensation for relaxation and focus. Diffusing these oils 20 to 30 minutes prior to bed can help your body recognize they schedule you have created as well as influence rest.

9. Turn on White Noise

A white noise machine creates a constant, neutral sound to block other, disruptive noises. It can be very helpful in creating an atmosphere that influences sleep.

10. Invest in a Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets can be used for children who weigh at least 50 pounds, as well as adults. Choose a blanket that is weighed for the individuals weight to help stimulate serotonin and thus a calming sensation.

11. Dedicate Quiet Time

Use the hour leading up to bedtime as a designated quiet time to trigger the natural sleep cycle. Dim the lights, diffuse oils, meditate, read, turn off screens, etc… for a calming rest.

12. Consider Supplements

There are natural supplements that may influence a deeper rest. These are generally easy to find as an over the counter options on shelves in most pharmacies. Always speak with your health care practitioner before taking anything with a prescription, especially for young children.



If you, or your child, has been prescribed VyVanse and sleep has become an issue then you need to consider some of the tips provided above to help you get the sleep you deserve. Set a regular routine and work to calm your mind and body in the hours leading up to bedtime. It may take time to get into a regular habit, but with consistency these ideas should help. If you are still struggling with sleep, speak with your doctor about changes in your prescription or the addition of a helpful supplement.