
Best Sleep Mouth Guards

Corey Majeau

Do you wake up with a tight jaw or have issues with headaches throughout the day? Your problem may be bruxism, or teeth grinding. This condition is caused by clenching your jaw muscles and usually happens while you sleep. Bruxism can cause headaches, jaw pain, chipped teeth, and sleep apnea. There is no cure for bruxism but sleepers who struggle with it alleviate the symptoms by wearing a specialized mouthguard when they sleep.

#1Dental Duty Professional Mouth Guard 


  • BPA Free
  • FDA Approved
  • Four guards and one case included
#2Oral-B Nighttime Dental Guard with Scope


  • FDA approved
  • BPA free
  • Latex-Free
  • One guard
  • One storage case
#3Ora-Guard Dental Grind Guard


  • One guard plus one storage case
  • FDA approved
#4JS Dental Lab Custom Dental Night Guard


  • BPA Free
  • Latex free
  • Phthalate Free
  • FDA approved

The problem is that many people are unaware that they even have a problem. Many times the diagnosis will come from a dentist who will detect a wearing pattern on patients’ teeth consistent with grinding. Stress, anxiety, caffeine, alcohol and some medications can make the issue worse. The best way to treat the problem is to visit your dentist for a complete evaluation. However, over the counter solutions are a great way to mitigate your issues and help ease your symptoms short term. In some cases, wearing a mouth guard will train you to stop grinding altogether. Wearing a nighttime mouth guard, which is sometimes called a nocturnal bite plate, can also help prevent tooth damage like cracking or splitting. For long-term use, a prescription mold should be made at your dentist’s office.

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJD, affects the muscles and nerves of the jaw. It often is associated with bruxism. Unlike other joints, the jaw moves back and forth as well as up and down. In a healthy temporomandibular joint, the muscles, joints, and ligaments work harmoniously as you open and close your mouth. However, even a minor misalignment can trigger discomfort throughout your head and neck. Wearing a mouthguard for TMJ is an easy and effective method to alleviate the pain of your TMJ.

Using a mouthguard at night can result in less tension and pain as the guard will reduce the stress you place on your jaw joints and muscles. It will also reduce the wear and tear of your teeth as grinding your teeth at night can cause chips or damage your teeth.

Wearing a night mouthguard can prevent headaches. Headaches are a common side effect that comes with TMJD (temporomandibular jaw disorders). Using a nightguard consistently can result in fewer temporal headaches or neck aches as they are associated with TMD.

By providing you more comfort and minimizing your symptoms, you will find your sleep greatly improved. The night guard will facilitate jaw muscle relaxation and provide you a night of sleep without stress.

While not the most important troubles you may have due to grinding or clenching your teeth, snoring does cause issues for you and your sleeping partner. Your night guard provides a small space between your jaw and that increases your air intake and will end your snoring as well

Finally, in the end, investing in a good night guard will end up saving you money as without it you can end up with tooth damage and cause you to need restorative dental treatment that could be very costly.

What to consider when choosing a mouth guard:

  • Easy to clean: Make sure that your mouthguard isn’t difficult to clean because the hygiene of the mouthguard must be maintained at all times.
  • Comfortable: This is probably the most important consideration when buying a mouthguard you will be sleeping in! The best mouthguard is always going to be the one that fits properly. It should allow you to sleep without worrying about your mouthguard. The right mouthguard must feel comfortable in your mouth. You don’t want to wear something that makes you feel uneasy or interferes with your ability to sleep. Most people adjust easily to their new mouthguards in a short period but if you find that your mouthguard keeps you from sleeping, don’t keep yourself up. Take it out and try it again the next night, and keep on trying until you can sleep comfortably through the night.
  • Durable: It should be durable enough to last you for long periods. You get good value for your money with a durable mouthguard.
  • Should not hinder breathing: The ideal mouthguard should give you enough breathing space.
  • Tear-resistant: If you are getting a sports mouthguard it should not break or tear away with pressure. It should be strong enough to absorb force.
    It should be able to withstand hard falls or be flexible enough to all stretch and bending back into the original shape. Proper protection for your teeth requires a minimum of 4mm of material in the major impact zones. These areas include the front of the teeth and under the molars.

Cleaning Your Mouthguard

It is vital that you properly take care of your mouth guard. Wash it in cool, soapy water and rinse it off well before and after each time you use it. To protect more thoroughly against germ build-up, brush the guard with a toothbrush and toothpaste before and after every use. Soak your mouthguard at least once a month in Efferdent or Polident. Be sure to replace your mouthguard when it shows signs of wear and tear.

Follow our step by step instructions on how to clean your mouthguard.


Store your mouthguard in its case when you’re not wearing it. If you have pets, put the case away in a drawer or cabinet where your pets cannot reach it because they may enjoy chewing on them. Don’t leave your mouthguard in a hot car as extreme heat affects the mouth guard’s plastic and can change its shape. Your car trunk can become hot in the summer, and your car interior will heat up quickly while the car is parked on a hot day. So keep your mouthguard in your purse or backpack, and take it with you when you park.

Types of Mouth Guards for Sleep

There are three common mouthguard designs; custom impression, boil-and-bite, and stock.

  • Custom Impression—The most expensive of the three options, custom dental mouth guards are created with an impression of a sleeper’s mouth. These types of mouthguards require a visit to the dentist’s office and can cost $500 or more. While costly, these mouth guards produce excellent results by providing the most comfort and protection.
  • Boil-and-bite—Made from a thermoplastic material that softens in hot water, the owner submerges the mouthguard in boiling water, then allows it to cool enough to bite down on it to create a customized impression. While these are not as advanced as individual custom models, they are far more affordable.
  • Stock—These preformed mouth guards are usually “one size fits all,” are not customizable or trimmable but are the most inexpensive option. They are not recommended as they offer little protection and are often bulky and ill-fitting, making it hard to breathe comfortably.

Here is the list of our best mouth guards for sleep. If you are curious to see if bruxism and or TMJ is a problem you can find many lost cost options to try to see if they offer you relief. For best, long-lasting results you should visit a dentist for a full consultation and guide for the guard that will best suit your needs.

Best Mouth Guards

1. Dental Duty


  • BPA Free
  • FDA Approved
  • Four guards and one case included

Best Overall Mouth Guard

This boil and bite mouthguard comes with four separate trays which will mold to your bite.  The trays are made from BPA-free dental-grade materials and are extremely durable and hold their shape well.  This is a very versatile mouthguard that works very well for overnight use, but it also can be used for daytime grinding or light sports. The Dental Duty Professional Dental Guard also comes with a hygienic carrying case and the company offers free refunds and replacements if you’re not happy with the fit even after 30 days from the date of purchase.

  • Flexible uses; nighttime, sport or whitening tray
  • Comes with case
  • Two sizes to choose from
  • Satisfaction guarantee
  • N/A

Who should buy this mouth guard:

if you are a nighttime grinder and want to see if a mouthguard will mitigate your symptoms and enamel degradation, this is a great guard to try out.


2. Oral-B Nighttime Dental Guard with Scope


  • FDA approved
  • BPA free
  • Latex-Free
  • One guard
  • One storage case

Best for Jaw Issues

The Oral-B Nighttime Dental guard is softened in the microwave, which means that the material is thinner and more malleable than many of the “boil and bite” options on the market. This guard has a pleasant, minty flavor and has been recommended by dentists specializing in facial pain and jaw-joint disorders. This mouthguard also covers all the teeth and reduces the chance of your teeth shifting, which is one of the risks of wearing an over the counter mouthguard long term.  Reviewers often note about the comfort of this mouth guard, many saying it is more comfortable than prescription guards they have tried. The kit includes a guard, impression tray, and convenient storage case, plus it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee from Oral-B.

  • Inexpensive
  • Recommended by dentists
  • Comfortable
  • Mint flavored
  • Satisfaction guarantee
  • Not prescriptive
  • Requires microwave to mold
  • Just one guard

Who Should Buy This Mouth Guard:

People suffering from facial pain and jaw-joint disorders that are looking for an affordable solution.


3. Ora-Guard Dental Grind Guard


  • One guard plus one storage case
  • FDA approved

Best mouthguard for sensitive teeth

If you have sensitive teeth you should give this Ora-Guard a try as it primarily focuses on back teeth grinding and only covers your rear molars. This means the majority of your teeth won’t be touching the mouth guard, which is good news for those with sensitive teeth but have grinding issues. It is microwavable for molding purposes and will fit snugly to your teeth.  This will prevent the guard from shifting while you sleep and will make for a comfortable fit and not disrupt your sleeping habits.

  • Only covers back teeth
  • Comfortable
  • Patented bite plate design
  • Storage case included
  • Contains BPA
  • FDA approved

Who should buy this mouth guard:

Anyone with sensitive teeth looking for grinding relief should try this lightweight partial guard. 


4. JS Dental Lab Custom Dental Night Guard


  • BPA Free
  • Latex free
  • Phthalate Free
  • FDA approved

Best for Custom Needs

This is an actual custom-fit mouthguard made in a lab specifically for you but at a fraction of the cost, it would be to get it done through most dental offices. This is a great step for anyone who has tried and found relief with using a temporary over the counter mouthguard that is not recommended for serious long-term use. You can choose your base from soft, semi-hard and all hard and comes in a variety of thicknesses. The custom process is easy, as they will send you an impression kit in the mail that will take you five minutes to complete. You simply return it in the prepaid package and it goes straight to a professional dental lab that will fill the order to perfection. This product has great reviews and it is no wonder because you are getting a quality custom, long-lasting piece for a fraction of what it would cost you from a dental office.

  • Fully customized
  • Multiple options 
  • Easy and fast
  • Longer lasting
  • Great customer service
  • Storage case included
  • More Expensive

Who should buy this mouth guard:

Anyone ready to invest in a long-term solution for their mouthguard needs but is still looking for a reasonably priced solution.


Bottom Line

Using a mouthguard can bring relief to those suffering from pain due to bruxism or TMJ but remember that wearing a mouthpiece at night is going to be a big change. Making sure you have a comfortable fit is important but it is important to ease into wearing your guard. Wear it a bit before bedtime to get used to it so you don’t give up easily.  However, you mustn’t lose a lot of sleep either! You can try to use the guard a few nights a week and as you get used to wearing it you’ll eventually be able to wear it every night without interrupting your sleeping habits. The mouthguard evens out the pressure across your jaw and creates a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, which protects them from grinding, and damage. 

Once you have purchased your sleep mouthguard you will want to make sure to take proper care of it.  Make sure you keep both your teeth and your mouthguard clean.  Brush and floss your teeth before you put in your mouthguard for the night.  Make sure you have rinsed your mouthguard with mouthwash or cool water before putting it in and after you have taken it out.  Don’t use hot water though because that can change the shape of your mouthguard.  Clean your guard with a toothbrush and toothpaste before putting it away in its container.  You will want to use a hard container with some ventilation which will make sure it dries out between uses. Keep it out of the reach of pets if you have any, even in the container.  Also, bring your mouthguard to any of your dental appointments.  They can check and make sure that it is still fitting you properly.  But remember those mouth guards don’t last forever, so regularly check for holes or other signs of damage, which means it needs to be replaced.