
The Effects of a Weighted Blanket and Why You Should Get One

Fueled by glowing press coverage, celebrity endorsements, and social media enthusiasm, weighted blankets have made their way into the American mainstream – and thousands of bedrooms nationwide.

Emerging from total obscurity, these hefty products are more than a mere novelty, with early research supporting their calming effects. More importantly, countless devotees swear by weighted blankets, offering impassioned testimonials to their sleep-inducing properties.

Should you believe the hype and try one for yourself? How do they function, and which sleep problems could they actually address? Even if you’re willing to experiment with a weighted blanket, how do you pick a high-quality product that will help you rest and relax?

In this article, we’ll provide answers to these basic weighted blanket questions – and all the additional info you might need. Are weighted blankets just a fad, or an innovative tool that might actually transform your sleep? We’ll discuss the facts behind their surging popularity and make the case that they’re well worth a try. 

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Weighted Blankets: Origins and Evidence

Weighted blankets are not an entirely new invention: Early iterations first appeared in the late 1990s. At that time, however, they were used to serve a more specific population. Researchers hypothesized that adding weight to blankets might help individuals with autism spectrum disorders, who often struggle with sensory issues and sleep problems.

purple and grey folded weighted blanket

Initial experiments and anecdotal evidence supported this theory, and children with autism spectrum disorders, in particular, seemed to benefit. Later, scientists and clinicians began to provide weighted blankets to individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including veterans suffering from night terrors. Early studies indicated that weighted blankets helped these individuals sleep better as well.

In recent years, press regarding weighted blankets’ benefits has swelled from a few articles on niche websites to constant coverage in major outlets. Public interest in these products has grown accordingly, and dozens of brands have popped up to supply the new demand. But has enthusiasm for these products outstripped the evidence of their advantages? Do they actually work for the average individual?

According to scientists and physicians, the physiological basis for weighted blankets’ appeal is relatively simple. By providing a soothing degree of pressure, these blankets engage the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, lowering your heart rate and producing a sense of calm. Ostensibly, this effect could help anyone relax, not just those with special needs.

Some experts, however, point out that research into weighted blankets is still relatively sparse. While initial experiments have provided compelling evidence of the weighted blanket’s potential, larger control studies are necessary. Ultimately, these experts suggest that there’s no harm in trying one, but it may be years before we fully define their limits and functions.

In that spirit of experimentation, which problems could a weighted blanket help you with? If you’ve had difficulty sleeping or managing anxious feelings, you’ve got a lot to gain from giving them a try.

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Reasons to Get a Weighted Blanket

Weighted Blankets May Help With Insomnia and Other Sleep Troubles

Some studies have found that weighted blankets provide impressive sleep advantages, especially for those who routinely struggle to get enough rest. In one 2015 study conducted in Sweden, individuals with insomnia slept better and longer under weighted blankets. Participants reported fewer sleep disruptions and judged their quality of sleep to be significantly improved.

Even if your sleep troubles don’t amount to full insomnia, these results should still be intriguing. If weighted blankets can help those with clinical sleep issues, they may work wonders for people who simply have trouble drifting off on occasion. If online testimonials are any indication, thousands of people with minor sleep issues really do find weighted blankets helpful.

Weighted Blankets May Ease Anxiety

Think of the physical manifestations of anxiety: thumping heartbeat, increased alertness, shortness of breath. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, weighted blankets effectively reverse all of these symptoms, slowing the body down. 

patterned weighted blanketPsychologists call this mechanism deep pressure touch stimulation, likening it to the soothing effects of a good hug. While this theory has been supported by some research, no randomized clinical studies have been conducted to assess weighted blankets as an anxiety treatment. Once again, thousands of customers provide anecdotal evidence of these blankets’ calming effects – but more research is warranted.

Weighted blankets aren’t intended to address all kinds of anxiety: For those who tend to get claustrophobic, for example, other relaxation techniques are a better idea. Moreover, when it comes to managing mental health issues, these products are no substitute for professional help. But if you are affected by worry and nerves on a regular basis, a weighted blanket is worth a try.

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Weighted Blankets Are a Nonmedicinal Solution

For many people with sleep troubles or mental health challenges, medication is an essential tool to ensure continued well-being. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking medicines that support your health and happiness.

That being said, many individuals choose to explore alternatives to medication with their doctors, especially as a first-line option. If you’re experiencing sleep difficulties, for example, your physician may recommend lifestyle adjustments first, before even discussing a prescription.

Sleeping pills entail many risks and side effects, which you might prefer to avoid if possible. A weighted blanket could be one of many adjustments you make to support better sleep before you need to consider medications.

Prudent Precautions: Health Conditions to Consider

While we’ve been making the case for weighted blankets so far, we should also discuss some potential risks and downsides associated with these products. Some physicians caution individuals with respiratory issues, such as sleep apnea, to steer clear of placing extra weight on their chests. Similarly, small children could struggle with too much weight. If they can’t easily remove the blanket themselves, they’re probably too young for it.

Other experts urge people with diabetes or open wounds to avoid these blankets, which could restrict circulation to some extent. If you’re concerned about how a weighted blanket could interact a medical condition of your own, consult your doctor before buying.

You may want to read: Our Tranquility Weighted Blanket Review

Buying a Weighted Blanket: What to Keep in Mind

Ready to try a weighted blanket for yourself? With so many options out there, finding the right one can feel overwhelming. Here are a few tips to guide your search.

Pick the Right Weight

The heft of your weighted blanket is a matter of personal preference. Some appreciate firm pressure, while others enjoy a lighter touch. Still, experts propose a helpful rule of thumb: Try a blanket that’s roughly one-tenth of your body weight. Stick with this standard and you’ll enjoy the benefits – without being overwhelmed.

Most blankets are available in two or five-pound increments, so you should be able to find one well-suited to your weight. If you’re stuck between sizes (torn between 15 and 20 pounds, for example), consider how you typically sleep. Do you frequently change positions, or get up often to use the bathroom? In these cases, going with the lighter size may make moving around a bit easier.

Most importantly, take any mobility issues into account. Don’t go for an especially heavy blanket and get pinned to your bed beneath it. Similarly, if you sleep with a pet (or several), think of their well-being. If your furry friend were to crawl under it, could he or she wriggle free?

Pick the Right Size

As with other bedding, you’ll need to pick a weighted blanket that fits your specifications: There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Brands differ significantly in their sizing systems, so you may need to take out your measuring tape to determine the ideal dimensions before buying.

Generally speaking, weighted blankets are designed for a single person. Accordingly, most sizes won’t span the full width of your bed. They should, however, cover your full body – perhaps with some extra length to prevent undesired foot exposure.

There are some super-sized options out there, with dimensions large enough to envelop an entire king-sized bed. If you and your partner are both interested in a weighted blanket, this route might seem ideal. As you might imagine, though, they tend to be quite heavy – possibly to an uncomfortable extent for one or both partners. Plus, extra-large models can actually be more expensive than buying two separate blankets.

Be Mindful of Materials

Because weighted blankets provide sensory benefits, you’ll want to avoid any fabrics that will distract from that pleasant pressure. If you’re sometimes irritated by synthetic materials or any other textiles in particular, make sure they’re not included in the weighted blanket you buy.

The internal construction of the blanket can also matter quite a lot. Various manufacturers inject weight through different methods, which can determine how closely the blanket fits around your body. A blanket filled entirely with weighted beads, for example, will hug your form more closely. A hybrid filling of beads and cotton, conversely, may provide a more airy fit.

Another key consideration relates to cleaning: Weighted blankets are susceptible to stains and spills. No matter how hard you try to keep them immaculate, they have the heft to knock stuff over (such as coffee, soda, and snacks). Thankfully, even some of the most expensive models are machine washable. Pick one that offers that perk, and choose a dark color or pattern to conceal any lingering blemishes.

Last but not least, choose a blanket that’s breathable enough to provide your desired level of cool. Even some weighted blanket enthusiasts admit that their blankets can feel stifling. Avoid that tough trade-off by picking a blanket with heat-dispersing materials, such as glass beads and organic cotton.

Add a Mask as Well?

If you’re already sold on weighted blankets, a related product may also be up your alley. Weighted eye masks provide light-blocking benefits and soothing pressure on one’s face, a powerful duo of sleep perks.

Not everyone will enjoy the sensation of firm yet gentle pressure these weighted sleep masks provide. Additionally, side-sleepers could struggle to keep them in place, while face-down sleepers may find little use for them. Still, if you’re craving a little extra calming weight and use a sleep mask already, this accessory could complement your blanket perfectly.

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Weighing Your Options

We hope this article demystifies the world of weighted blankets, helping you assess their potential advantages. We hope you’ll even buy one of your own – and sleep wonderfully as a result.

Still, there’s no guarantee you’ll sleep will improve: While thousands swear by them and initial research is encouraging, weighted blankets may not deliver better rest for you personally. Thankfully, there are dozens of alternative methods at your disposal, from other sleep products to new exercise routines.

So go ahead, try curling up under a weighted blanket. If it doesn’t transform your sleeping life, we’re here to help with other suggestions as well.