
SnoreRX Plus Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece Review

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SnoreRX Plus Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece

The SnoreRX Plus Anti-Snore Device Could be for You If:

  • You need the ability to breathe through your mouth while sleeping.
  • You appreciate a product that allows for customization.
  • You’re looking for an anti-snoring mouthpiece that will spare you all the metal screws and rubber bands.
  • You don’t have dentures, braces, implants, caps, crowns, loose teeth, abscesses or severe gum disease.
  • You want a device that’s within your budget and approved by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and the FDA

While we often make jokes about snoring, it’s no laughing matter. Around 40% of men and nearly a quarter of women are snorers. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about it, because it’s a biological reality that when the muscles behind the tongue relax, it can cause a narrowing of the airway that leads to vibration of the soft tissue of the throat.

There are hundreds of products on the market to keep snoring at bay ranging from specialized pillows and chin straps to sprays, nose strips and more. One very popular and successful option is the anti-snoring mouthpiece. According to oral appliance for obstructive sleep apnea guidelines, the user should have the ability to advance the lower jaw in one-millimeter increments for customization, and SnoreRX is the only anti-snoring mouthpiece available that offers this ability with its Micro Fit® technology.

By gently moving the lower jaw forward, the airway is opened, allowing you to breathe freely. A couple of years ago, we took a look at the original SnoreRX. Today, we’re trying out the brand new SnoreRX Plus. Aside from being a little different in appearance and the inclusion of a handle, there’s another notable change we’ll discuss in this review.

How is the New SnoreRX Plus Different from the Original Model?

The two models look a lot alike aside from a few differences:

  • The new model includes a fitting handle to prevent burning yourself during the customization process.
  • The areas of the device that include text like “Squeeze” and “Upper” no longer have a black background.
  • The SnoreRX Plus allows for full mouth movement.

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SnoreRX: About the Company

Founded in 2009, SnoreRX is designed, engineered and manufactured in California and has remained a leading brand for over a decade. They maintain a pretty impressive 93% positivity rate based on customer feedback. If this doesn’t say something about the company, consider that fact the SnoreRX:

  • Is recommended by doctors
  • Is cleared by the FDA
  • Is compliant with OAOSA recommendations
  • Features dental lab quality

So, without further adieu, let’s break down the pros and cons and decide if this could be the snoring solution for you or your sleep partner.

Boil and Bite Customization Process

The SnoreRX Plus is customized to fit your mouth through a three-step boil-and-bite customization process.

  1. Bring enough water to completely submerge the device to a full boil in the microwave. It’s advised you avoid using a stove top to heat the water as hot metal can destroy the device.
  2. Hold your SnoreRX Plus in the water for a full 60 seconds. Using the new convenient fitting handle, remove the device and briefly dip it in some room temperature water to remove any residual hot water.
  3. Bite down firmly to create your custom dental impression. This impression should be very prominent. If yours doesn’t look like what you see here, repeat the process, making sure to bite down firmly. To set the impression, place the device in a bowl of cold water for five minutes.

The custom fitting process can be done twice before you begin to compromise the integrity of the mouthpiece. It’s worth noting that some people with certain dental issues shouldn’t go through this process, and we’ll go over that as well as a few of the potentially negative aspects of this product in a few minutes. When you’re done, you can remove the fitting handle by first pulling off the blue cover from the front of the device and then pushing the handle out through the back.

In our full video review above, you can watch me go through the process!

Cut to the Chase: Does the SnoreRX Plus Anti-Snoring Device Work?

So, does the SnoreRX Plus work? Remember, everyone is different, so it’s super important that you take full advantage of the-30 day trial. In a moment, we’ll talk about the multiple advancement settings and how you can use them to find the best setting for you.

If you don’t notice an immediate reduction in snoring, this is completely normal, and that’s why you’re provided with a trial period. The good news is that SnoreRX has a very high satisfaction rate and remains one of the top contenders in the anti-snoring mouthpiece market. It’s worth noting that customers experience the best results when sleeping primarily on their sides and/or stomachs.

It can be difficult to determine if it’s working if you don’t have a sleep partner there to report to you every morning. Smartphone users can download apps like Sleep Score and Snore Lab to record snoring sounds. These are very helpful tools that can aid you in determining if you do have a snoring problem to begin with and to narrow down your options in correcting the problem to the best solution for you.

If you’re still shopping around, consider that anti-snoring mouthpieces like SnoreRX Plus are:

  • Better than chin straps because:
    • They’ve been proven to work.
    • They are often more comfortable.
    • They stop snoring at the source of the problem.
    • They allow you to breathe through your mouth.
    • They are certified safe for use by the FDA.
  • Better than anti-snoring pillows because:
    • They have proven successful results.
    • They stop snoring at the source.
    • They are certified safe for use by the FDA.
  • Better than throat sprays and nose strips because:
    • They have proven successful results.
    • They stop snoring at the source.
    • They are customizable.
    • They are certified safe for use by the FDA.

A Look at the SnoreRX Plus Features

Now that you have a better idea of what type of device this is and how to get it ready for use, let’s dig into the features. Unlike a lot of products out there, SnoreRX Plus spares you all the metal screws and rubber bands, and its patented design exceeds industry standards. There are four primary features at play, so let’s take a look at each.

Micro Adjustment Feature

A lot of companies attempt to make a one-size-fits-all solution, and this can lead not only to discomfort but also a lack of success in stopping snoring. The SnoreRX Plus allows you to advance the lower jaw in one-millimeter increments. This is very precise, allowing you to most effectively target your snoring. Best of all, you can reset the adjustments easily and without the need for any special tools.

The built-in calibrator displays the selected setting to serve as a reference point to help you pinpoint the best possible fit and ensure your experience and use is consistent. You can adjust the SnoreRX Plus by up to six millimeters, and SnoreRX has a process through which you can determine the optimal setting for you:

  • Start off at the one millimeter setting for your first three to five nights of use. If snoring doesn’t improve, advance by one millimeter for another three to five nights.
  • To adjust, remove the top tray, place your fingers over the word “Squeeze” on each side, and move the tray to the desired setting. You do have to squeeze it pretty hard, and make sure you set each side to the same setting.
  • In the majority of cases, a significant reduction in snoring is experienced in the setting range of three to five millimeters.

In the video above, you can watch as I make these adjustments. Once you figure out the best setting, the Posi Lock feature makes sure it stays in place. Of course, you can unlock it at any time if you need to make further adjustments by simply squeezing the bottom tray.

Thermal Matrix Design

The new SnoreRX Plus still features the Thermal Matrix design in the form of two latex-free, medical-grade copolymers that soften and mold to your teeth during the customization process and cushion them while in use. Once customized, the device will fit comfortably in your mouth.


SnoreRX carried its original V-Flow design over to the new Plus model. This feature allows for maximum airflow as you can see in the front of the mouthpiece.

Full Mouth Movement

The main difference in the new SnoreRX Plus model is the fact that it allows for full mouth movement. This improved design is less restrictive and allows for more seamless use and a shorter adjustment period to get used to sleeping with the device in your mouth.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to close your mouth. SnoreRX Plus only comes in one size. You may or may not be able to close yours while wearing, but having your mouth open will not negatively impact effectiveness.

Adjustment Period

As is the case with any mouthpiece, it’s going to take some getting used to. You can expect it to take about three to five nights of consistent use before light to moderate soreness begins to subside. If you’ve ever worn braces or a retainer, it’s a similar feeling. What’s not normal is sharp or ongoing pain that exceeds five days. If this occurs, stop using your SnoreRX Plus and talk to your doctor.

SnoreRX Plus Durability Expectations

We’ll provide details on cost in a moment, but you can buy the SnoreRX Plus for around $100. Let’s take a moment to talk about durability to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth.

The average person can expect to get 9-11 month’s worth of use when properly cared for. The durability expectations of the SnoreRX Plus are excellent relative to the price. For around $10 per month, you and your sleep partner can enjoy more restful sleep.

If you suffer from bruxism, aka tooth grinding, however, I’d recommend you explore other options. This condition understandably leads to damage that will cause you to need to replace your device much sooner. In your case, here are some alternative anti-snoring devices that may be a better fit.

Maintenance Tips for Maximum Durability

Not only does regular cleaning prevent unpleasant odors, but it helps your mouthpiece last. SnoreRX recommends using a product called Aseptic Guard. You can also use good old fashioned toothpaste and a toothbrush. What you want to avoid are abrasive cleaners like bleach, ammonia, dishwashing soap and mouthwash. When cleaned, allow your SnoreRX Plus to air dry, and then store it in the included case in a cool, dry place.

SnoreRX Plus vs. SnoreRX Cost

  • SnoreRX Plus
    • $99
    • 2 for $154
  • SnoreRX
    • $59
    • 2 for $99

SnoreRX Affiliate Program

If SnoreRX Plus proves to be a successful anti-snoring option for you, the company allows you the chance to use your experience to help others and make some money in the process. Through their affiliate program, you can earn competitive commissions for each purchase made through the unique referral link they can assign you. You’ll receive full support, and there are no monthly charges or sales requirements.

SnoreRX Plus Restrictions

For the average person, SnoreRX Plus can be a great option to explore. However, there are a few restrictions, so let’s take a moment to look at those before you buy.

  • SnoreRX Plus is not intended for use if you have loose teeth, abscesses or severe gum disease.
  • It can also cause issues if you have dentures, braces, implants, caps or crowns.
  • Use of SnoreRX Plus requires the four front teeth on both the top and bottom to be natural.
  • SnoreRX Plus is cleared by the FDA to reduce snoring. It’s not a cure-all for other issues like sleep apnea and tooth grinding.
  • It’s not intended for use by those under age 18 or for anyone with a respiratory or temporomandibular disorder.

Since you can achieve such precise customization with the easy-to-use calibrator, the SnoreRX Plus can be used if you have an overbite.

Who We Recommend SnoreRX Plus For

Now that we’ve taken a thorough look at the SnoreRX Plus, let’s refer back to everything we’ve learned and decide if it could be the right choice for you. We recommend this product for:

  • Snorers who breathe through their mouths while sleeping
  • Anyone looking for an anti-snore device that allows for customization
  • Sleep partners who are both snorers and would like to take advantage of a discount on a second device
  • Snorers who sleep on their sides and/or stomachs
  • Snorers who have tried products like chin straps, nose strips and pillows without success

SnoreRX Plus: Our Final Verdict

The SnoreRX Plus is an excellent solution for the average snorer at a reasonable cost. It’s been deemed by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine as a safe and effective treatment and cleared by the FDA for snoring reduction. Since it can’t be swallowed, there’s no choking hazard, and its dental lab quality and advanced safety features exceed medical standards for an over-the-counter anti-snoring solution.

Most users do experience minor issues like soreness and dry mouth during the first few nights of use, and this is pretty typical with anti-snoring mouthpieces in general. However, what you don’t get to take advantage of with many similar products is the full mouth movement and V-Flow design to increase overall comfort.

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Areas for Improvement

I would like to see SnoreRX introduce another size option. While it’s made to fit the average mouth, those with smaller mouths may take a little more time for adaptation. In my case, I can’t close my mouth completely, so females may find it to be a little bulky. You do get used to it, and SnoreRX products, in general, are incredibly effective in reducing snoring. However, if you think you’d prefer to try something that considers size, I’ll leave a link in the description to the VitalSleep mouthpiece that features both the option of men’s and women’s sizes. I also wrote a helpful article directly comparing SnoreRX with VitalSleep.

Aside from that, my only other complaint is customer service. It’s pretty difficult to get a hold of someone if you have questions. There’s no online chat available, and the several times I called the phone number, I had to leave a message. I also emailed over two weeks ago with no response as of yet through either medium. So, customer service is definitely an area of opportunity for the company in general.

Highly Successful in Stopping Snoring

SnoreRX Plus is one of the more effective anti-snoring mouthpieces on the market, and it’s proven highly successful in reducing snoring. If you’re not quite sure and would like to try it out, SnoreRX does provide that 30-night guarantee. If you aren’t happy for whatever reason, you can return it for a refund of the purchase price.

It’s not a bad idea to check with your insurance to see if they’ll offer a reimbursement of your purchase. It’s not unheard of, but don’t get your hopes up. Most insurance providers classify snoring as a non-medical condition. Doesn’t hurt to find out, though. SnoreRX ships internationally to Canada and the European Union (excluding Croatia).

I hope this review has helped you decide whether or not the new SnoreRX Plus is a viable option. Have questions or comments? We’d love to hear them below!