
How to Find the Right Mattress Size for You and Your Family

a family of 4 laying on a mattress

In choosing the perfect mattress for yourself or a loved one, you’ll want to assess a wide range of criteria. From materials and construction to price and delivery options, your selection should incorporate several important variables.

Your very first decision may concern dimensions: How big should your mattress be? While most mattress manufacturers offer their products in multiple sizes, choosing the right specifications is a good way to start your search.

Some shoppers assume that bigger is better, seeking the largest possible mattress within the limits of their budgets. But mattress size selection demands a nuanced discussion, with more relevant factors to consider than you might realize. Depending on the age and preferences of the sleeper in question, a smaller mattress might be more appropriate – and safer.

In this article, we’ll help you determine how to select a perfectly sized mattress for yourself and each member of the family, no matter how old they are. We’ll discuss the optimal dimensions for each age group, depending on the needs and circumstances of the person for whom you’re shopping.

Mattress Sizes: An Overview of Your Options

First, let’s establish the full range of mattress sizes available for purchase. If it’s been a while since you last went mattress shopping, you may discover that you have more sizes at your disposal than you recall.

True, many of these sizes may not apply to your current search. Some of these dimensions are suited to infants and children specifically, for example. Other sizes may be harder to find: Because they cater to a specific customer niche, not every brand will offer them.

That being said, this helpful table should aid you in comparing alternatives. Moreover, it could help you determine if a given size will be a good fit for your bedroom. Using the dimensions below, you can take out your tape measure and assess the fit yourself.

Size Length (inches) Width (inches)
Crib 52 3/8 28
Twin (or Single) 74 39
Short Twin 75 34
Twin XL 80 39
Full 74 54
Full XL 80 54
Queen 80 60
Olympic Queen 80 66
California Queen 84 60
King 80 76
California King 84 72


Some models may vary from these dimensions by an inch or two, but they’re relatively standard across the industry. Manufacturers should also provide exact dimensions for their mattresses so you can double-check their definitions.

It’s also worth clarifying a potential source of confusion: The terms “twin” and “single” are interchangeable and refer to the same size. Typically, brands from the U.K. and Europe use the term “single,” but it’s a distinction without a difference.

Additionally, some of these sizes are relatively rare. The Olympic queen, for example, is harder to find than its standard queen counterpart. As a result, it could be more difficult to buy sheets and accessories that fit an Olympic queen mattress.

Mattress Sizes for Every Family Member: Finding a Perfect Fit

female bending down looking at a mattress

Mattress selection should account for several factors simultaneously. But when it comes to picking a size, the primary determinant is often age. 

If you’re picking a mattress for a child, your choice will likely be guided by how old they are. Among adults, size is more a matter of price and preference. Below, we’ll break down the relevant mattress size recommendations for each age group.


If you’re welcoming a newborn into your home, you’ll have tons of decisions to make in anticipation of your infant’s arrival. Thankfully, mattress size selection won’t be one of them.

At the risk of stating the obvious, infants sleep in cribs and require crib-sized mattresses accordingly. Crib mattresses are designed to ensure your baby’s safety, providing a firm surface to avoid suffocation risks. In terms of size, there’s really no alternative to consider.

In an effort to standardize infant care, current federal guidelines have established fixed dimensions for all cribs and crib mattresses. Just make sure the mattress you buy meets these safety guidelines and you’ll be in the clear.


When kids reach toddlerhood, parents have some mattress choices to make. At this age, children typically transition from a crib to a big-kid bed, signaling a new stage in their independence and development.

For some families, that means buying a toddler bed, complete with kid-friendly design and safety features. This route offers an added benefit: Crib mattresses typically fit toddler beds, so you might not need to buy a new mattress at all. In fact, many crib mattresses are dual-sided, with a slightly softer side suited to toddlers. You can simply flip your crib mattress over when your child moves from the crib to a toddler bed. Of course, if your crib mattress is too worn out for this transition, you’ll need to buy a new one.

However, many parents take a different approach, moving their toddlers directly from cribs to twin-size beds instead. Skipping the toddler bed stage is safe, provided that parents invest in some additional upgrades, such as guardrails to prevent falls.

The choice basically boils down to timing and spending. If you go with an inexpensive toddler bed (and keep your crib-size mattress to match) you won’t need to spend too much cash. Kids outgrow toddler beds quickly, however, which means you’ll probably be buying a twin anyway in the next few years. If you bite the bullet and invest in a twin bed and mattress up front, you may save money in the long run.


As parents of grade-school children will tell you, kids can grow at an astonishing pace. Sleep is an important component of all that growing up, and a crib mattress can start to feel confining. If you haven’t already made the leap to a twin mattress at this age, you should probably do so soon.

In fact, some kids will find a standard twin a little tight, especially as they approach middle school. If your child keeps on sprouting up, the added length of a Twin XL could be much appreciated.

The key consideration, however, is long-term planning. If you want the bed to remain comfortable into your child’s teen years, it could be a better idea to invest in a full-size mattress. Typically, the price differential isn’t drastic and there’s no risk in providing the extra space until your child needs it.

By the same token, take sibling hand-me-down potential into account. Perhaps a younger brother or sister will be poised to inherit the mattress once your oldest outgrows it. If that’s the case, you may not need to invest in a mattress big enough for your child to grow into.


The stereotype is rooted in reality: Teenagers love their sleep. After all, getting enough rest is crucial to adolescent development. And if a growth spurt is part of your teenager’s experience, they may come to find their childhood bed a tad claustrophobic.

For parents, it might be tempting to upgrade only incrementally, moving from a twin to full, for example. But remember that mattresses can last for years, meaning that your teen could be sleeping on this one well into young adulthood. Don’t you want them to come home from college? A queen-size bed could be a pretty sweet incentive (especially compared to their eager dorm room mattress).


Grown-ups have lots of mattress options, and experts don’t prescribe a particular size. But if the mattress world is your oyster, which dimensions should you pick? While individual needs vary, here are some things to consider when selecting a size.

  • Price: The industry’s pricing scheme is pretty simple: More mattress, more money. If you’re working on a tight budget, a standard queen will provide plenty of space at a reasonable price. On the same note, don’t try to squeeze into a tiny bed just to save a few dollars. Your sleep is important enough to invest in.
  • Couple or Solo: Buying for two requires more room. Even if you don’t have a partner at the moment, you might want to consider the possibility of future sleepovers.
  • Room Size: Don’t overwhelm a small room with a massive bed. If your intended purchase barely leaves room for a bedside table, reconfigure your expectations.
  • Pet Presence: If a furry friend occupies the end of the bed, extra space can come in handy. The last thing you need is your pooch nudging you for more room at night.
  • Sleeping Styles: If you tend to toss and turn, more space may spare your partner. Similarly, if you don’t plan to cuddle while sleeping, get a big enough bed to allow for some separation.
  • The Cost of Switching Sizes: From new linens to a different bed frame, a change in mattress size will incur lots of associated costs. That’s no reason to avoid making a change, but you should incorporate these expenses into your overall financial calculus.

You may want to read: Mattress Size Chart

From Mattress Size to Selection

Armed with the information discussed in this article, you can pick an appropriately sized mattress with greater confidence. But size is just one of the many variables to consider as you weigh this important purchase. In fact, once you identify the ideal mattress size for yourself or another family member, you can begin comparing options in earnest.

At times, this search may feel a bit overwhelming due to the sheer number of appealing mattresses out there. It’s nice to have options, but comparison shopping can get stressful. Foam or innerspring? Organic or synthetic? In-store or online purchase? In the context of an expensive purchase like a mattress, decisions of this kind are difficult.

Thankfully, you don’t have to make these choices alone – or rely exclusively on your own research and instincts. With our expert guides and honest reviews, we’re here to help you out. Check out our content and you’re sure to find something tailored to your sleep needs.