
Can You Fart In Your Sleep?

Everyone has been subject to the embarrassment of unexpected flatulence from time to time, but could you be stinking up a room at night without even knowing it?

Luckily, the answer is not likely, so you can breathe easier. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t pass gas in your sleep as passing gas is dependent upon your body’s conscious response to your state of sleep. Let’s explore how your body works each night so you can put your worries to rest.

Why Do We Fart?

After eating our body begins to digest and process food, sometimes causing a gas buildup. This commonly occurs in the large intestine as bacteria break down various carbohydrates and fibers. Gasses are created through these bacterial processes and release methane and hydrogen, through the neutralization of stomach acid, and even from the air, you swallow while you chew and through carbonated beverages.

Of course, there are times when gas can be painful or occurs more than you prefer. If this is something that becomes very uncomfortable or is a chronic condition, you should always speak with a healthcare professional to narrow down if your concerns have a disease or syndrome associated with it, or if you are struggling with food allergies.

Sleep and Body Functions

While we sleep our body enters into a state of suspension. Our heart rate and respirations lowers, our body temperature drops, and we experience an increase in blood flow that aids in healing and rejuvenation both physically and mentally. These events occur as we cycle through various sleep stages though the night, some deeper than others.

Our body responses, such as the need to use the restroom or eat, are also inhibited due to hormonal releases. Upon entering into more shallow sleep stages we may become aware of the need to go to the bathroom, pass gas, or feel hungry, and if these urges are strong enough they will wake you to attend to these needs.

Can You Fart in Your Sleep?

Technically, yes, you can fart in your sleep, but it requires conscious control of your sphincter. When you pass gas it’s because you have made a conscious effort to do so, but it’s possible you may not remember doing so. Due to moving through various sleep stages that have you in different levels of consciousness, you may awaken various times through the night without even knowing you have done so. At these times it is most likely that you would pass gas, or awaken further due to pressure on your bladder and bowels to head to the bathroom.

Why Do I Fart in the Morning?

If you‘ve slept particularly well, you most likely have not passed much gas through the night. And, for the same reason you probably may really need to empty your bladder, you also need to release the built up gas from your meals the evening before.

This is entirely natural and the passing of gas is simply releasing the pressures from various digestive processes. Don’t try and keep it from happening (although during the day you may want to visit a more discreet area than a populated office) as it can cause discomfort, stomach aches, and even pain through your chest. If you happen to fart a few times at night and somebody hears you, it’s rare anyone would care since they know they must do it too.

Ways to Help Control Flatulence

If you feel that you have more gas than you should, have uncontrollable passing of gas, or uncomfortable gas, there are a few things you can do to help. As long as you have ruled out any conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, or Celiac Disease (which are known to cause flatulence), you may be suffering from a simple food intolerance, constipation, or the use of antibiotics – all of which can be controlled.

You may also find that you are more gassy during certain times of your menstrual cycle. This is due to hormonal fluctuations and inflammation that affects the soft tissues and organs.

Certain foods definitely can cause an increase in gas as well. Avoid high fiber foods, highly processed carbohydrates and sugars, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, and vegetables from the onion family. Of course, some of these things are good for you, such as fiber, but you can avoid them if you have some specific issues every now and then.

Wrapping It Up

Technically you aren’t farting while you are asleep, but you certainly can loosen your sphincter enough to pass gas while being unaware during a low level of consciousness during the night. Everybody does so, so it isn’t anything to worry about, but if you find yourself waking up with gas pains or feel you fart more than you should, you can definitely speak with a healthcare practitioner to help determine if there is more going on than just normal digestive workings.

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