
What is Best for You: Bamboo VS Cotton Sheets

If the average person spends an astonishing 1/3 of their life alternating between snoozing and deep restorative slumber, they want to make sure it is done in comfort. The first level of comfort that is felt in a person’s bed is typically the mattress but after the type of that is picked out, people want sheets that offer a certain feel. Whether you desire the warm, worn-soft feel of flannel sheets or you long for the crisp but smooth texture of cotton; your bed sheets need to be comfortable.

With cotton sheets long leading the pack on not only affordability but also durability, it should come as no surprise that cotton sheets are the top-selling type of sheets for decades now. With more luxurious options available – such Egyptian cotton – more and more consumers are looking to cotton sheets to line their bed.

But there is a new type of sheets making waves – bamboo sheets! Not to be confused with the straw-like roots we see videos of pandas munching on, bamboo sheets offer a softness constructed from environmentally friendly fabrics. Let’s find out how these sheets measure against the long-treasured cotton sheets.

Bamboo Sheets

You may want to read: Best Bamboo Sheets

Bamboo sheets are a type of bedsheet has four distinct subsets – determined by the process and fabric in which they are made. The first is a style that is made from bamboo rayon and named as such; the second is a style that is made from a modern fabric and constructed to form 100% bamboo lyocell sheets; the third is considered bamboo and cotton sheets, as both types of yarn or fabric make an appearance in the construction of these sheets; and lastly, there is a style called bamboo linen bed sheets, which combine the strength of linen material with the softness of bamboo.

Bamboo sheets, regardless of the type, are gaining momentum in today’s market for the following reasons:

They reviewed and considered to be

  • Extremely soft to the touch
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Naturally moisture-absorbing


Bamboo sheets have been called by many consumers softer than that of good quality cotton or even linen sheets. When made properly, bamboo sheets should be extremely cushiony and soft to the hands and body. This is partly due to the natural bamboo fibers and finely woven threads that make up the material of your sheet. These sheets can be soothing to those with skin ailments or skin sensitivities.

Normally bamboo sheets have two distinctive weaving patterns – a bamboo twill and a bamboo sateen. The bamboo twill is far stronger than that of the sateen but lacks the silky and sleek texture of the bamboo sateen.

To maintain softness of either style or type of bamboo sheet, it is very important to pay close instruction to all washing instructions. Bamboo can rip, wrinkle or lose their softness quite easily when proper care isn’t followed.

Environmentally Friendly

Bamboo sheets appeal to those with skin sensitivities or ailments yes, but they also appeal the environmentally conscious. With its natural fibers derived from a plant that can be grown anywhere, bamboo is edging out more commonly-recognized sheet sets for those concerned with their carbon footprint on the planet.

Naturally Moisture-Absorbing

If you suffer from hated night sweats or you just plain sleep hot during warmer temperatures, a breathable and dry set of bedsheets is a must. When a person spends the night in damp fabric, the skin becomes irritated and can set off flare-up of certain skin conditions. Mold and other bacteria can also become ingrained in the sheets, leading to further skin and respiratory problems.

Bamboo sheets have a natural breathability from its simplistic weaving pattern and organic materials. This breathability allows these sheets to absorb moisture almost instantly and evaporate it back into the atmosphere.

Cotton Sheets

Cotton sheets are the style of sheets you slept on when you were at a friend’s house and they are the sheets that your grandparents made up the couch for you with. They were the sheets that held the walls of your fort up and the sheets that you could run through while they were hanging on a clothesline. Cotton sheets have happy memories and a warmth surrounding them that is hard to let go off and for good reason.

Cotton sheets have long been used by multiple generations due to their affordability, crisp and smooth texture, and long life-span even after numerous washings and uses. They have the distinction of being a type of sheet recommended by healthcare professionals for those who suffer from skin-related ailments, due to their crisp but breathable composition.

  • Durable
  • Low Maintenance
  • Breathable with natural moisture-absorbing abilities


One the reasons that cotton sheets have remained a mainstay in households around the world is because of their lifespan. Cotton sheets of good quality will not lose their crispness or strength even after multiple washings and normal wear.

Cotton sheets can be repurposed in different ways once they have outlived their usefulness as bedsheets. They can be used as craft cloths, beach blankets, children’s forts and more! People can also indulge their creative side by using old cotton sheets to design laundry bags, purses or accessories.

Low Maintenance

Cotton sheets can be washed or cleaned at home, without the need of special detergents or certain water temperatures. Cotton sheets are usually thrown in the washer on either hot or cold temperatures and ran through a simple cleansing cycle to remove dirt or stains. Hot water is recommended, however, for lighter or white colors whereas cold water helps maintain darker colors or vibrant patterns due to a lack of bleaching.

Once washed, cotton sheets can be thrown in the dryer on a low or medium heat setting and come out hours later without a major wrinkle in sight. Cotton sheets also dry wrinkle-free when stretched across a clothesline.


Cotton sheets have a natural moisture-wicking ability aided by its natural breathability. Cotton is a fabric that allows the air to flow through miniature pockets, releasing any moisture trapped in the sheets into the air to evaporate as a natural process.

This attracts those who suffer from skin conditions that can flare-up due to dampness, such as eczema. It is also a favorite for people in the warmer months or those poor souls who suffer from night sweats, regardless of the internal or external temperature.

With natural breathability and moisture reduction, cotton sheets have been favoured and loved by many for this reason alone!

Bamboo vs Cotton Comparison

Bamboo Sheet Cotton Sheet
     Extremely soft to the touch      Durable
     Environmentally friendly      Low Maintenance
     Naturally moisture-absorbing      Breathable with natural
moisture-absorbing abilities



Generally, when researching a new bed or bed staples, sheets are at the bottom of the list; if they make it on there at all! People view their bedsheets as a necessity or something to be picked up at their local department store on sale. Something is to be said, however, on the level of comfort the right style of sheets can provide.

The style and/or type of bedsheets you chose to use on your mattress is entirely up to you and how your body respond to them. Choose your sheets for a number of reasons – budget, comfort level, durability, etc. All styles and types of sheets, as any product, can have both their advantages and disadvantages, so make sure research! Ask your local fabric store if they have any bamboo swatches to learn the differences in texture and look forward to sleeping in comfort. If this article was helpful to you in any way or you think it would benefit someone else looking at different types of sheets, please feel free to share and forward it! If you use a particular type of sheet or would like to know more, please comment below. Here’s to comfy sleeping!