
10 Tips on How to Clean Your Room

A messy room leads to a messy mind—we all know that. However, the cleaning process of a messy room is often tedious. Many of us keep putting off cleaning our rooms until later and before we know it, the mess gets totally out of hand.

In this article, we will break down the process of how to clean your room into bite-sized and manageable steps. If you follow this method, you will not get too overwhelmed in the process, and end up with a nice and clean room.

1. Get Rid of Visible Trash

Your first order of business is to get rid of all the visible trash you can see. Get the biggest trash bag you own and fill it with everything you should throw away in your room. They could be used tissues, the tags you tore off clothes and dropped on the floor, snack wrappers, crumpled up papers, and anything that has to go.

It is important not to think too much when you are taking out the trash. If there are things that you are unsure whether to throw or not, put them in a different bag to sort them out later. Your only focus at this stage is to put all the trash into a bag and take it out.

2. Clear the Clutter

Now that you have thrown out everything that has to go, straighten out the clutter that has gathered all over the room. Surfaces such as desks, dressers, and vanities in rooms are often filled with small objects that clutter the place.

Make piles of things that go together. It could be dinner plates and mugs that have to go to the kitchen, stuff from the living room, books that should go on your shelf—so on and so forth. Everything that does not belong in your room has to go.

Straighten the photo frames on your dresser and nicely arrange the stack of books on your nightstand. All the areas of visible clutter should be sorted and straightened out.

3. Strip the Bed

Your bed is the main focal point in your bedroom. If your room is messy, likely, you haven’t changed your bedding for a while. Strip your bed completely and remove the entire set of linen used, including bed sheets, comforters, duvet covers, pillowcases, and more.

You should have an extra set of bedding to make the bed later. If you do not have at least two sets of bed sheets, you should get an extra set before you start cleaning your room.

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4. Pile Your Dirty Laundry in One Place

It’s laundry sorting time! Start your laundry pile with the striped bed linen from the previous step. At this step, your task is to make a pile of all the dirty laundry you need to clean. Do not worry about doing the laundry just yet. Just get all the dirty laundry in one place.

If there are dirty clothes strewn about in the bedroom, add them to the pile. Clear all the dirty hampers and bins you are using to hide your dirty clothes. You mustn’t get side-tracked by the laundry and stop cleaning the rest of the room.

5. Get Clean Clothes into the Closet or Drawers

At this stage, your room is starting to look tidier and nicer. Now that you have removed all the dirty laundry, get to any piles of clean clothes you have and put them away inside the closet. Hanging clothes is often better than folding them since it takes less energy and time.

Drawers are also good to store clothes since they are easy to organize. It is important that you only spend a few seconds on each piece of clothing. If it is taking longer than a minute to store a clothing item, put them in a bag and come to them later.

6. Wipe and Dust the Surfaces

You have cleaned up most of the room now. Time to wipe all your surfaces of any dust and dirt. A cleaning spray would be useful here, but a wet wipe would also get the job done pretty well. Take your time to carefully wipe down until the surfaces are clean enough to your satisfaction.

Use a duster to clean your curtains and any window treatments you may have. You will be vacuuming the room later so this step is to cover the parts of the room that your vacuum would not be able to get into.

7. Vacuum/Sweep/Mop

Use a mop to clean your ceiling area of any cobwebs or dirt and work your way down. Vacuum the entire room taking care of all the nooks and corners. Do not forget the area under the bed and furniture, you do not usually move such as your closet and the vanity.

If your furniture can be easily removed, putting them in the hallway would make things easier until you fully clean the floor of the entire room. If you have not cleaned the floor of the room in a long time, you may have to mop it with a cleaner. However, if your mopping feels too overwhelming, sweeping would suffice until you can do a deep cleaning of the floor later.

8. Make the Bed

You are almost at the end of it now! Time to make your bed. Use the fresh new linen to carefully make your bed. Your fitted sheet goes first, the top sheet comes next, and then your bedspread. The duvet and the comforter go last and finally put the covers on your pillows and finish it.

Many on the internet would tell you the perfect way to make your bed. Be thorough and meticulous about it. You will feel great once you do it properly!

9. Organize and Assign Homes to Everything

Your room is clean now and while it may take you some time, you are likely feeling pretty good about yourself right about now. Use this momentum to properly organize your room and assign specific places to all the important things in your room.

This way, the next time you are cleaning your room will not be as difficult. You simply have to put everything back where they are meant to be at the end of every day.

10. Plants and Candles

For an extra touch of warmth and a self-care moment, light a few scented candles in your newly clean room. Lavender and citrus are two classic scents that would work in any room. It will create a more calming and relaxing ambiance.

Take a moment to take in the joy of your clean and tidy room. You can add a few indoor plants to your room as well. Having living things around you would make you want to clean and tend to your surroundings more. Fresh flowers would also make a great addition to your room.

Final Words

Cleaning your room can be a cleansing and incredibly relaxing experience. We hope you found this article to be helpful. We would love to hear your thoughts and if you like to share any tips on cleaning a room, do comment below. If you would like more helpful tips on improving your bedroom, check out our guide to choosing bedroom lighting!

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